Zero length file not included in hg export diffs

Sean Dague sean at
Wed Jan 25 04:46:22 UTC 2006

On Tue, Jan 24, 2006 at 12:53:28PM -0600, Tom Lendacky wrote:
> I cloned a Xen mercurial tree and proceeded to do some work in it.  Part
> of what I did was to create a zero length file using the touch command
> (it was an file that was needed to prevent warnings/errors
> during build).  I used the hg add command to add this file and the hg
> status command showed the file with an "A".  I did an hg commit and then
> did an hg export to generate the patches.  However, the zero length file
> was not included in the diffs generated by hg.  When I experimented
> adding just one zero length file, the hg commit succeeded but then the
> hg export issued the message 'abort: export requires at least one
> changeset'.  I had to edit the file and turn it into a one byte file in
> order for the file to be part of the hg export diffs.  Is this a known
> limitation or is it a bug?

Have you looked into using bundles for changes like that instead of patches?

From the man page:

     Unlike import/export, this exactly preserves all changeset
     contents including permissions, rename data, and revision



Sean Dague                                       Mid-Hudson Valley
sean at dague dot net                            Linux Users Group                       

There is no silver bullet.  Plus, werewolves make better neighbors
than zombies, and they tend to keep the vampire population down.
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