hg on windows

Vadim Lebedev vadim at mbdsys.com
Thu Jan 26 14:40:41 UTC 2006


I'm struggling to connect my win32 hg client  to linux hg server  using 

My Mercuial.ini file on Win/XP containes follwing:

ssh=c:/PuTTy/plink  -ssh -i MyKeyFile 

so i do on winxp:
mkdir test.hg
cd test.hg
hg init
hg pull ssh://vadim@

I get as output:
pulling from ssh://vadim@
requesting all changes
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 0 changesets with 0 changes to 0 files
(run 'hg update' to get a working copy)
remote: bash: line 1: hg -R test.hg serve --stdio: No such file or directory

If y do follwing:
c:\PuTTy\plink  -ssh -i MyKeyFile  hg -R test.hg log
It works OK

I've replaced in Marcurial.ini 

and created
c:\putty\ssh.bat file with following contents
@echo @c:\putty\plink -ssh -i MyKeyFile %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 | sed -e 
"s/'//g" >tmpssh.bat

c:\PuTTy\ssh hg -R test.hg log
works well

hg pull ssh://vadim@


When i open terminal window on linux machine and do:
 ps ax

I see the hg serve is launched with correct parameters

Any ideas please?


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