SSH operations unfriendlyness

Brendan Cully brendan at
Tue Jul 11 16:54:19 UTC 2006

On Tuesday, 11 July 2006 at 11:46, Sébastien Pierre wrote:

> A solution would be to check if the given path exists as an absolute
> path on the server, and then fallback to relative path.

This means that URLs can translate to different locations depending on
what happens to be on the server at a given time. I think that's
pretty bad.

> > It would be nice if the SSH URL syntax was more similar to the way SSH
> > treats remote path specifications, but I'm not sure if this is easy to
> > do (at least, not without making the exception too invasive for all URL
> > syntax parsing code), so I can live with `//' too :-)
> I suppose that the SSH URL syntax is set this way to enable easy
> parsing with Python urlparse module... but this wouldn't be difficult to
> change this to "classic" SSH syntax.
> Is there anybody that would prefer the classic SSH syntax instead of
> the current one ?

-1. The ssh URL syntax is unambiguous and fairly standard, so you'll
get used to it eventually. The alternative involves too much guessing
on the part of mercurial. There's no reason you can't have local paths
with colons in them (I sometimes do myself).

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