wiki: MqMerge help not correct?

Benoit Boissinot bboissin at
Tue Jul 25 23:43:02 UTC 2006

On 7/26/06, Giorgos Keramidas <keramida at> wrote:
> On 2006-07-26 00:17, Benoit Boissinot <bboissin at> wrote:
> >On 7/25/06, Giorgos Keramidas <keramida at> wrote:
> >> I've tried following the instructions of the MqMerge page on the
> >> wiki, using a couple of small Mercurial repos, but failed.
> >>
> >> [snip]
> >>
> >> But the patches are still `applied', and cannot be popped:
> >>
> >> [snip]
> >>
> >> Do you think we should update the instructions on the wiki?
> >> (I'd probably do it myself, but I'm not 100% sure that I am doing
> >> this correctly and I don't want to edit the wiki pages only to put
> >> the wrong instructions there).
> >
> > Actually I'm pretty sure that it is not possible to qpop a patch if
> > some other changesets are commited (for example with hg commit or hg
> > pull), hg qpush -m commits some cset in the repo so it won't be
> > possible to qpop them.
Ok I was wrong, it looks like mq allows qpopping patches that are not
on top in the repo.

> I'm probably missing something very basic then.  If I follow the
> instructions of the wiki to the letter, I get a transcript like the one
> in mq-failed.txt (attached).
> If I insert a "hg qpop -a" before the "hg qpop -a -n patches.1" trimming
> of the history, it all seems to "work" (for some definition of "work",
> which may prove to be flawed after all), the transcript of this session
> is attached as mq-success.txt (including "hg log" output after all other
> commands).
To me it looks like it should be 'hg qsave -c' instead of 'hg qsave -c
-e' because you want the patches to be marked as applied so you can
later qpop them.



> The same traces can be found online at:
> I am only starting now to use the `mq' extension, so if I'm doing
> something wrong, I'd be grateful for any help :-)

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