selecting files during commit

Benoit Boissinot bboissin at
Tue Jul 25 23:47:55 UTC 2006

On 7/26/06, Satish Balay <balay at> wrote:
> When 'hg commit' is invoked - mercurial attempts to create a changeset
> for all modified files.
> Sometimes I should be commiting just a couple of files - not all. But
> invariably I forget and type in 'hg commit'. And this brings up the
> editor [with a prompt to enter changeset comments]
> Is there a way to create a commit with a subset of files at this
> stage? [one way is to remove the comments and quit the editor - so
> that 'hg commit' aborts. And then retry wiht 'hg commit filenames']
Currently at this time part of the changeset has been written to the
repo (manifest and files changes), only the changelog entry is
missing. So it is too late, but ...

> However 'hg commit ' brings up the list of editied files - when it
> prompts for changeset comments. It would be great if I remove some
> files from this list - then the changeset won't include these files.
I think it would be great too! The plan is to ask for the commit entry
before beginning the transaction so we can do this.
Maybe you can fill an issue in the bug tracker so it won't be forgotten.



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