on --lsprof

Thomas Arendsen Hein thomas at intevation.de
Sat Jun 10 18:36:11 UTC 2006

* TK Soh <teekaysoh at gmail.com> [20060610 17:51]:
> with "oh! that's feature need Python 2.5 (though we say Mercurial need
> 2.3), else you need to install <package name> ..." the next time
> someone file a bug report.
> My suggestion is, if possible, for Hg to detect at runtime if the
> requirement are met, else mask the --lsprof option.

I'm pretty sure that this will cause bug reports for "I've seen
--lsprof on one computer, why don't I see it on my other computer?

> Or somehow make it
> a debugging options, same way the debug* commands are hidden.

That would be better, it should be mentioned together with --debug,
--traceback, --time, --profile and such.


Email: thomas at intevation.de

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