hg status not showing empty dirs out of dirstate

Andrea Arcangeli andrea at suse.de
Fri Jun 16 14:46:06 UTC 2006

On Fri, Jun 16, 2006 at 07:05:21AM -0700, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-06-16 at 08:00 +0200, Andrea Arcangeli wrote:
> > My only argument is that the most common case when you run 'hg status'
> > without arguments is to see what garbage has been left around.
> That may be true for you, but it's not for me :-)

I'm thinking that if this is the case then it doesn't make much sense to
me that you are ok to leave unknown files in the default output of hg
status. Could you enlighten me of what's the point of showing unknown
files (no matter if they're in orphaned or non-orhaned directories) if
you're not interested at all to see the garbage that has been left
around with the default option of hg status?

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