mercurial/crew: 9 outgoing changesets

Vadim Gelfer vadim.gelfer at
Tue Jun 27 16:38:09 UTC 2006

On 6/27/06, Alexis S. L. Carvalho <alexis at> wrote:

> This is a nice thing to have.  A few comments:
> - the Subject of the message was ignored when I tried to import a
>   message with an inline patch - I haven't tried it with attachments

thanks you for seeing problems. this is fixed now.

> - it'd be nice to clean up the subject a bit - specifically remove
>   leading spaces, "Re:", "[listname]" and maybe "[PATCH 17/42]", being
>   careful with stuff like "Re: [listname] Re: [PATCH]  patch description"

if you have idea for kind of safe regexp, i will use.

> - the docs mention the "Sender and subject line of email" - I think it'd
>   be better to mention something like the "The From and Subject headers
>   of the email": "Sender" is also a valid header that is added by e.g.
>   mailing lists.

ok thanks you.

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