[PATCH] do proper typecasting on malloc() and calloc() calls

Radoslaw Szkodzinski astralstorm at gorzow.mm.pl
Mon Mar 20 23:06:03 UTC 2006

On Monday 20 March 2006 12:42, Johannes Stezenbach wrote yet:
> On Sun, Mar 19, 2006, TK Soh wrote:
> > do proper typecasting on malloc() and calloc() calls


> > To support build on Solaris 2.6 using Sun Pro SC4.0 (C++ 4.1) compiler:

Why would anyone want to build C code with C++ compiler?
Lack of disc space? Fascist and stupid administrator?

> The description is wrong, as the type casts are not "proper", but
> superflous (according to C99 std).

This compiler is too old to support C99 properly anyway.
C89 compiler shouldn't require it too. If it does, throw away that piece of 
sh*t and burn it.

> Could you please describe the problem which this patch is
> attempting to fix, and why these type casts make a
> difference with the Sun C compiler?

It's a C++ compiler, and some C++ compilers do a more strict (and IMO useless) 
type checking on pointer assignment, so you can't assign void * to anything 
else than void * unless you cast.

This is because C++ standard redefined the meaning of void *. A religious 
issue, most likely to encourage use of static_cast<>.

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