[PATCH] Include templates/static/* in MANIFEST.in so that distutils setup will include them

Thomas Arendsen Hein thomas at intevation.de
Fri Mar 24 07:29:21 UTC 2006

* Lee Cantey <lcantey at gmail.com> [20060324 00:47]:
> # HG changeset patch
> # User Lee Cantey <lcantey at gmail.com>
> # Node ID bd942de1614e6e67150ebf1e528a040d5defff55
> # Parent  18a3e63696004ac7ba8f916349d11986a893a5f5
> Include templates/static/* in MANIFEST.in so that distutils setup will include them.

Thanks, pushed to crew.

Why doesn't "setup.py install" ignore the files in static, but
sdist does? Stupid distutils.


Email: thomas at intevation.de

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