hgrc: verbose setting questions

TK Soh teekaysoh at gmail.com
Sun Sep 3 00:53:01 UTC 2006

On 9/3/06, Benoit Boissinot <bboissin at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 9/3/06, TK Soh <teekaysoh at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > +
> > +  Command defaults don't apply to aliases, so it will only work for 'log',
> > +  but not 'history', which is an alias to the 'log' command.
> > +
> 'hg history' works with verbose for me. Or do you mean you cannot do:
> [defaults]
> history = -v

How did you make it work? I couldn't. Do I missing something?

    [tksoh at localhost crew]$ hg debugconfig | grep defaults

    [tksoh at localhost crew]$ hg history -l1
    changeset:   3030:892eb1b4f973
    tag:         tip
    user:        TK Soh <teekaysoh at yahoo.com>
    date:        Thu Aug 31 12:51:02 2006 -0500
    summary:     gitweb: add file links to filelog page

    [tksoh at localhost crew]$ hg debugconfig | grep defaults

    [tksoh at localhost crew]$ hg history -l1
    changeset:   3030:892eb1b4f973
    tag:         tip
    user:        TK Soh <teekaysoh at yahoo.com>
    date:        Thu Aug 31 12:51:02 2006 -0500
    files:       templates/map-gitweb
    gitweb: add file links to filelog page

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