Update [extdiff] configuration sample for vimdiff.

Thomas Arendsen Hein thomas at intevation.de
Tue Sep 12 16:49:57 UTC 2006

* Mathieu Clabaut <mathieu.clabaut at gmail.com> [20060912 10:53]:
> -#   cmd.vimdiff = LC_ALL=C gvim -f '+bdel 1 2' '+ execute "DirDiff
> ".argv(0)." ".argv(1)'
> +#   # Non english user, be sure to put "let g:DirDiffDynamicDiffText = 1" in
> +#   # your .vimrc
> +#   cmd.vimdiff = gvim
> +#   opts.vimdiff = -f '+bdel 1 2' '+ execute "DirDiff ".argv(0)." ".argv(1)'

I don't know if it is caused by a loaded plugin or something, but I
have to use:
 opts.vimdiff = -f '+next' '+execute "DirDiff ".argv(0)." ".argv(1)'

Otherwise vim complains that bdel 1 2 doesn't do anything useful,
and three times :q doesn't close vim, but say that there is a next

Can you confirm?


Email: thomas at intevation.de

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