I am a newbie with hg convert : can't seem to convert CVS repository

Michael Smith michael.smith at thalesatm.com
Tue Aug 14 22:20:34 UTC 2007

rlboss wrote:
> I am new to hg and lI ooked at various options to translate my existing CVS
> area over and finally went with hg convert (mostly for its simplicity of
> use). 
> So I checked out a copy of the respository and then ran hg convert
> <checked-out dir>. 
> I can see that cvsps and python are running when I do a "top" but there does
> not seem to be any progress amde. I left it running overnight but didn't
> notice any progress. The checked-out repository qualifies as a small -
> medium scale project, with one branch. 
> Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong ? 

No, I haven't used this tool. But I have had a lot of success exporting 
from cvs to mercurial with tailor.
Michael Smith               | 61 386 304 560
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