OSX Contextual-menu plugin for Hg
schneecrash+hg at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 19:04:06 UTC 2007
> If you're thinking of writing a Cocoa tool to interface with HG, I'd
> be happy to send you what I've got working.
nowhere near there yet :-)
for sake of discussion ...
if already working on something OSX-specific, why a standalone-app
rather than something 'integrated' into OSX? like the contextual-menu
at first glance, much could be leveraged/learned from the svn plugin's code.
and, what *you've* learned could further be integrated.
just thinkin' -- whiy reinvent the wheel?
> For the HG developers: In doing this little experiment and dealing
> with the hg API, I've found some weird bits and pieces. Nothing
> seems insurmountable, though. I'll try to make notes of them as I go
> along, and post an update (and code!) here.
either way, might be worthwhile starting a wiki page -- it'll be far
easier to follow/comment.
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