how do you tell if you're at an old rev?

Matt Mackall mpm at
Wed Dec 12 16:55:50 UTC 2007

On Tue, Dec 11, 2007 at 09:23:22PM -0800, Dustin Sallings wrote:
> On Dec 11, 2007, at 18:18, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> > Merging doesn't "create" a local branch.  Committing on top of an old
> > change does though :)
> 	But then you can easily get lost.  I had this issue today.  Someone  
> updated our ``stable'' branch such that tip was a commit on that branch.
> 	``hg parents'' indicated neither that I was at the latest change in  
> default, nor tip (since it's not tip and not a named branch and not an  
> extra head).

That sounds like something we ought to fix. Open to suggestions.

> 	So I'm not in an ``old'' rev, but the output of parents is  
> indistinguishable from when I am.

For the meantime, you can triangulate your position by comparing with
'hg branches'.

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