where are the docs for $HG environment variable?

Thomas Arendsen Hein thomas at intevation.de
Mon Jul 2 18:45:14 UTC 2007

* Forest <h1brzs702 at sneakemail.com> [20070701 20:13]:
> I just upgraded my windows box to mercurial 0.9.4 from a recent 0.9.3
> snapshot, and found that hgk was broken.  It seems that, despite already
> having the hg executable in my path, I now also have to set the HG
> environment variable for this to work.  
> (This was not obvious from the error message, by the way.  I figured it out
> mainly because I happened to have been browsing the mercurial-devel archives
> last night, and read a thread about set_hgexecutable on windows.)
> Where is $HG documented?  I don't see it in the latest man pages, and I'd
> like to know the rules for its use.  Which commands require it?  Can I use
> an hgrc entry instead of setting an environment variable?

It is documented in:
man hg
hg help env

> I updated the HgkExtension wiki page in hopes of saving other windows users
> the frustration of figuring this out:
> http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/index.cgi/HgkExtension?action=diff

You added
@set HG=C:\location\of\hg.exe

Do you use hg on Windows or some other system?

What is special in your setup that hg can't find its own executable?


thomas at intevation.de - http://intevation.de/~thomas/ - OpenPGP key: 0x5816791A
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