Mercurial hgignore

Christian Höltje docwhat+list.mercurial at
Mon Mar 19 13:57:46 UTC 2007

Marcin Kasperski wrote:
>> For instance, there must be a simpler way of doing this sort
>> of thing:
>> *.jpg
>> *.JPG
>> *.jpeg
>> *.JPEG
>> *.png
>> *.PNG
> What about:
> syntax: regexp
> (?i)\.jpe?g
> (?i)\.png

They should probably have a $ at the end.

syntax: regexp

Breakdown of what it all is doing:
(?i) -- this makes the search case insensitive
\.   -- periods (dots) need to be escaped.  They normally
match any one character.
(..|..) -- This says look for one of the things in the
parenthesis.  Each possibility is separated by a |.  So
(aa|bb|cc) would match aa or bb or cc, but not all.
e?  -- This says match 0 or 1 'e' characters.
$   -- This is the end of string.


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The Doctor What: Guru to the Gods
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