using external commit hooks to kick off build

Christian Ebert blacktrash at
Wed Mar 28 12:59:22 UTC 2007

* Sean on Wednesday, March 28, 2007 at 22:30:51 +1000:
> I decided to just try and test I could get python hooks working at
> all, but am getting this error on commit:
> abort: hook is invalid (import of "hghooks.buildhook" failed)

Apparently you didn't set it up correctly in hgrc.

> I am not sure if this is a python syntax error or if hg can't find 

As the import fails, I'd go for the second alternative.

> I am quite sure it is in the PYTHONPATH.

You can make sure in the Python interpreter:

>>> import hghooks.buildhook

and see if this gives an error.

_B A U S T E L L E N_ lesen! --->> <>

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