[PATCH] Some yasvn2hg patch

Sebastien Lucas sebastien.lucas at gmail.com
Wed May 9 12:52:31 UTC 2007

On 5/7/07, Mads Kiilerich <mads at kiilerich.com> wrote:
> Sebastien Lucas wrote, On 05/07/2007 08:07 AM:
> > I think I've tried every svn to hg converter around and my preference
> > goes to yasvn2hg so here is my contribution to it :
> Given the recent discussion of conversion tools and the benefit of
> having one tool that is known to work and also actually works: Could you
> share some more info about your research with the list? In what ways do
> you think the tools were good and bad?
> TIA,
> Mads

I'll try to share my experiments with svn to hg tools. First the usual
disclaimer .... I only made some quick tests .... I'm far from being
perfect (my wife can testify).... please tar and feather me if I write
wrong statements.

yasvn2hg is the only tool that allow to convert a complete standard
subversion repository. A standard SVN repo has 3 base directory
(trunk, branches, tags) and the majority of current svn to hg tools
treat those directory as normal directories, IMHO that's wrong.
yasvn2hg create a new branch inside the hg repo for each directory in
/branches and create a hg tag for each directory in /tags.
The other great idea of yasvn2hg is to have a merge file because svn
doesn't track merge (bad) so the only way to have the best conversion
is to take some time to analyze your subversion repo and fill the
merge file.

Some other comment :

Tailor (the first I tried) :
  - does not support file copy (but it does support rename).

svn2hg :
  - seems it don't support copy or rename
  - I don't really understand how it works

convert_repo (queue-convert-svn) :
  - really fast (that's a +)
  - I had difficulties to make it work : I had to use
http://selenic.com/repo/hg. And I still have some subversion errors
(my python bindings should be too old). I'll try to test it more
extensively with a fresh Vmware image.

I had no time to test hgsvn but from the readme I like the pull
approach and the fact that it populate the .hgignore.

that's my opinion. feel free to disagree.


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