[ANN] hgsvn 0.1.3

Mark mwatts42 at gmail.com
Sat May 12 20:50:36 UTC 2007

On 5/12/07, Antoine Pitrou <antoine.pitrou at wengo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> hgsvn 0.1.3 comes with the following changes:

On Windows I get the following error:

[w:\...\nose>]hgimportsvn http://python-nose.googlecode.com/svn/trunk
* C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin\svn.exe "info" "--xml" "
* C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin\svn.exe "log" "--xml" "-v"
"--stop-on-copy" "-r" "1:237" "--limit" "1" "http://python-
SVN branch was copied from '/branches/0.10-dev' at rev 231
* None "--encoding" "utf-8" "init"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Lang\Python25\scripts\hgimportsvn-script.py", line 8, in <module>
    load_entry_point('hgsvn==0.1.3', 'console_scripts', 'hgimportsvn')()
  File "C:\Lang\Python25\lib\site-packages\hgsvn-
0.1.3-py2.5.egg\hgsvn\run\hgimportsvn.py", line 94, in main
  File "C:\Lang\Python25\lib\site-packages\hgsvn-
0.1.3-py2.5.egg\hgsvn\common.py", line 141, in run_hg
  File "C:\Lang\Python25\lib\site-packages\hgsvn-
0.1.3-py2.5.egg\hgsvn\common.py", line 93, in run_command
  File "C:\Lang\Python25\lib\site-packages\hgsvn-
0.1.3-py2.5.egg\hgsvn\common.py", line 62, in _run_raw_command
  File "C:\Lang\Python25\lib\subprocess.py", line 593, in __init__
    errread, errwrite)
  File "C:\Lang\Python25\lib\subprocess.py", line 772, in _execute_child
    args = list2cmdline(args)
  File "C:\Lang\Python25\lib\subprocess.py", line 502, in list2cmdline
    needquote = (" " in arg) or ("\t" in arg) or arg == ""
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

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