MemoryError during commit
Robert Allen
rob.allen at
Thu May 31 11:36:57 UTC 2007
Please find attached a log of a MemoryError I encountered during a
commit operation. (Just a simple "hg ci".) I was adding three binary
assets to the repository: a 887Mb file, a 134Mb file and a 2.9Mb. Also,
I was commiting changes to some small text files. The output from hg st
looks like:
M source\InternalUtilities\Profiler.cpp
M source\unittest_harness\TrialCode.cpp
A source\testsuite\<LargestBinaryFile>
A source\testsuite\<LargeBinaryFile>
A source\testsuite\<SmallBinaryFile>
Whilst it is a lot of data, I've got 2Gb of memory and plenty of hard
disk space/virtual memory available, so I wouldn't expect it to fail.
Anyway, hope this helps.
Rob Allen
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