Hg server replication

Dustin Sallings dustin at spy.net
Wed Nov 7 03:11:22 UTC 2007

On Nov 6, 2007, at 18:21, David Frascone wrote:

> So, I'd like to move the repo to a hard disk, but, whenever anyone  
> pushes to it, I'd like it to push a copy to the repo on NFS.  (Or,  
> trigger the NFS server itself to pull a copy over http -- which  
> would be much faster)

	An incoming hook can do whatever you want.  If that means firing off  
a message to suggest it would be a good time for another server to  
begin a pull (which is hopefully asynchronous and well-monitored in  
this case), the implementation of such a thing should be quite simple.

Dustin Sallings

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