User-Agent string, my patch and privacy concerns.

Tim Groeneveld tim at
Thu Apr 3 12:33:33 UTC 2008

On Thursday 03 April 2008 12:51:22 am Eric M. Hopper wrote:
> But, extra information always raises privacy concerns.  I'm curious how
> you all feel about this.
> * Do you not want the patch at all?

To the contrary, it would be handy to be able to see what people are using to 
access http repos would be usefull for statistical purposes.

> * Would you prefer it be turned off by default (which would make it
>   much less useful IMHO)?

No, as per above 

> * Do you want it to report less extra information by default?

Python version, Mercurial version and OS type are the three bits of 
information that personally I would like to see.

> * Do you want individual options for turning on or off the Python
>   version, Mercurial version and OS Python thinks it's running under?

Does not personally worry me, but like I said, me personally, running a site 
with public access provided to source code - would like to see this 

  - Tim G
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