How to organize a 'central repository'

Brian Wallis brian.wallis at
Fri Apr 4 03:03:49 UTC 2008

On 02/04/2008, at 3:50 PM, Brian Wallis wrote:
> On 02/04/2008, at 1:34 AM, Ishee, David M wrote:
>> How did you check the resulting Hg repositories to convince yourself
>> that they were "OK"?
> So far I have just checked that the tips of the head and two  
> branches are identical (apart from missing empty directories and  
> CVS directories). I will also be doing some tests between CVS and  
> Hg at a handful of dates. Obviously I cannot check tag points since  
> the tags don't (and in our case just cannot) come across to mercurial.

Well, spoke too soon.

My branches are fine but on checking head with my latest conversion I  
find that there are files missing. CVS seems to be refusing to  
cooperate as usual.

The reason seems to be to do with the fact that I have specified an  
initial timestamp in the tailor conversion. Not exactly sure what  
this has done to the CVS checkout but I now find that on the HEAD  
checkout I am missing all the files that were created since that  
date. Funnily this is not the case for the branches!

In Infomedix.tailor I had
   start-revision = 2007-01-01 00:00:00
but now I have
   start-revision = HEAD 2007-01-01 00:00:00
(I've attached the new version)
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And this is working correctly now. The most trouble I have had with  
getting tailor to work correctly has been to do with getting the  
revision specification correct. It seems to be able to do weird and  
wacky things if you get it wrong but doesn't always give you an error  
or anything else to tell you something is wrong.

Hope this and my earlier posted scripts and configs can help others  
do this in less time than it has taken me!

Brian Wallis
p: 3 8615 4553 | f: 3 8615 4501 | e: brian.wallis at
Level 5, 451 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

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