Applying patches to foreign repositories

Germán Poó-Caamaño gpoo at
Wed Apr 9 14:12:53 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-04-08 at 23:00 -0400, Sean E. Russell wrote:
> Hello,
> I have what I suspect is not an unusual situation.  I maintain a library for a 
> project, and my source code exists in both a master repository (mine, HG) and 
> the project's repository (Subversion).  The directory layout looks like this:
> 	Subversion:	project/lib/mylib/
> 	Mercurial:	myproject/src/mylib/
> The 'project' directory contains a bunch of other directories and files I'm 
> not very interested in, and the same goes for 'myproject' and the other 
> repository.  The intersection of common code is at the 'mylib' directory.
> I'm seeking suggestions for how to manage this -- pushing and pulling diffs to 
> and from project/lib/mylib.  I had thought about using a forest, but at this 
> point I already have several years worth of history in 'myproject' (converted 
> from Subversion), and I'm not sure how I'd best break that up.
> Please feel free to point me at existing information, FAQs, or other 
> discussions about this if such exists.  My rudimentary queries of the mailing 
> list didn't turn up much ... I'm drawing a blank on good search terms to 
> filter the archives on.

Take a look at:

Germán Poó Caamaño
Concepción - Chile

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