Mercurial Eclipse

David J Iannucci dji at
Thu Apr 24 17:01:02 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I'm considering hg as a CVS replacement for our software group, but I 
have a question about Eclipse integration:  I found this:

But the web site makes it seem this is dead.  Or is it just that it 
works so well that no further development is needed?  I don't use 
Eclipse myself, so I haven't actually tried to test it.

Are there people out there using hg with Eclipse?  How does it work for 

David J Iannucci
U E N Software Development Group
Eccles Broadcast Center/University of Utah
S a l t  L a k e  C i t y,  U T  8 4 1 1 2
(801)581-6754 voice      fax (801)585-5524

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