Avoiding conflicts in .hgtags

Bill Barry after.fallout at gmail.com
Mon Dec 8 17:18:18 UTC 2008

Does it matter what order you merge the lines for hgtags?

I think the simplest case is when you tag two different names, but what 
if you tag with the same name (likely not something you should do 
anyways, but there is always the case)?

ex (I think all the commands are right but I haven't tried any):
mkdir ~/mainrepo
cd ~/mainrepo
hg init
echo line > file1
hg ci -m "file1" -a
mkdir ~/repoclone1
cd ~/repoclone1
hg clone ~/mainrepo
echo another > file2
hg ci -m "file2" -a
hg tag "mytag"
mkdir ~/repoclone2
cd ~/repoclone2
hg clone ~/mainrepo
hg tag "mytag"
hg push
cd ~/repoclone1
hg pull
hg merge           #should have a conflict

Greg Ward wrote:
> On 08 December 2008, Peter Arrenbrecht said:
>> I think Mercurial should have a specialized merger for such files.
>> There are others, like .hgsigs, and there will be more, like
>> .hgsubrepo, etc.
> The same thought occurred to me, so I've started writing a very
> simplistic and naive script to merge .hgtags files.  Will share it
> here for feedback when I've got it working.
>        Greg
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