Mercurial vs. Bazaar speedtest clone and log - update: hg 1.1 vs. bzr 1.10

Arne Babenhauserheide arne_bab at
Mon Dec 15 23:16:26 UTC 2008

Am Dienstag 16 Dezember 2008 00:09:16 schrieb Arne Babenhauserheide:
> Am Montag 15 Dezember 2008 23:29:42 schrieb Matt Nordhoff:
> > That bug isn't relevant. It's about using the bzrlib api directly. When
> > just running "bzr" from the command line, it should always set up
> > logging.
> Yet it doesn't - that might be one of the reasons why 1.10 isn't stable in
> Gentoo, yet.
> > (Well, "time bzr init-repo --rich-root-pack bzr")
> >
> > By the way, using "--1.9-rich-root" instead of "--rich-root-pack" will
> > give better performance. It would be interesting to see what the
> > difference is, if you don't mind running the tests yet again. :-)


> That's 17 seconds, far from the 2-4 seconds it gained with the --rich-root-
> pack setting.

I got careless... and forgot the hardlink option. 

$ time bzr branch python-bzr-trunk/ python-bzr-trunk2 --hardlink
No handlers could be found for logger "bzr"
[17731] 2008-12-16 00:15:23.572 INFO: Branched 40775 revision(s).
Branched 40775 revision(s).

real    0m4.828s
user    0m3.455s
sys     0m0.693s

This is about the same speed as the --rich-root-pack setting. 

Best wishes, 
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