hg equivalent of git stash

Phillip Koebbe phillipkoebbe at gmail.com
Sun Jan 13 21:43:32 UTC 2008

On Jan 13, 2008, at 2:17 PM, Jesse Glick wrote:

> Matthieu Moy wrote:
>> git stash keeps a snapshot, so re-applying the patch later is a 3-way
>> merge, with much more user-friendly conflicts markers than .rej
>> files IMHO.
> Using Hg I guess you could just commit and then update to the prior
> revision and continue on your way. If you want to reapply the patch
> later, just merge. If you want to discard it, use hg strip (which will
> also save a backup bundle just in case you change you mind). The  
> change
> will not have a name but it will have a commit number and log message,
> and you will not forget about it because it will be an extra head  
> in the
> repo.

I'll give this some experimentation.  I'm not so concerned with a  
name.  I'm just going for a really easy way to interrupt what I'm  
working on to get a simple change in.



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