Hg and web development: your experience ?

hg user mercurialuser at gmail.com
Sun Jan 13 23:18:38 UTC 2008

DISCLAIMER: re-reading before posting I realized that it is almost
impossible to have developers work in a commit-only workplace ! Expecially
if I don't want to manage an ever complicating merge every time ! So I will
ask them to commit and I will help them (whatever my help can be) in pulling
and update... I post anyway if someone has experience in web development
using hg


I'm working on a PHP project we have to deliver... ASAP ... The server is
linux based. There are 2 of us working on the code (using ssh and vi) and
one is working on the templates and CSS (testing templatees on windows, but
using ssh and a text editor to port changes in the templates). We now all
work on the same source tree on the linux server and obviously this creates
problems. 2 nice ladies are on the testing side, but due to the nature of
our development the site is sometimes broken !

When the program will debut on february 1st, I also need to have the three
classical installations: development, testing, production.

So I'm thinking about how to setup the environment:

DEVEL1 DEVEL2 DEVEL3: the three private developers workplaces
as soon as they complete a feature (can be 10/30 minutes from the last one)
they commit

DEVEL has one human responsible (probably I) that will "pull" from the
private repos, "merge/commit" if necessary and "update", so that the web has
always a working development copy. I will alert the codevelopers if I needed
to merge and anyway to do a rapid check if everything was correctly
integrated. If yes I will "tag" switch to

TEST repository, where I "pull" from DEVEL and "update" (no merge should be
necessary since there should be no changes ever done on TEST)
Now the ladies can do the testing and give us feedback.... (you know, that
pinkish color... can the door (exit) icon be 2 pixel bigger...etc)

Upgrade production server is done offline... but I think to "tag" the test
repo, wipe the production web tree and "export" ...

This is quite all standard stuff, so far...

... what make me nervous (as I don't see how to control this) are, for
example, configuration files... infact, all the 3 developers workareas, the
main devel, the test and production workplaces are all on the same webserver
(production area will move of course) and they must point to different
directory tree.
I think I have two possibilities: always manually check that config file
contents are ok after a merge and reset them if necessary, or .hgignore the
config file (and manually merge if someone added a config item)....

Any suggestion is welcome !

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