problem pushing large changeset to remote repo.

Dustin Sallings dustin at
Tue Jan 22 20:04:24 UTC 2008

On Jan 22, 2008, at 11:12, Dave Peck wrote:

>  remote: abort: No such file or directory: /tmp/hg-unbundle-66MEJz
> Did I just run out of tmp space? What state is my remote repo in?

	Do you have something aggressively cleaning files out of /tmp?

	Your remote repo should be in an init state, and your local should  
not have been modified.

> In general, is HG capable of efficiently handling changes to repos  
> of this
> size? I had about 3,700 commits in my old SCM system.

	The main mercurial repo is just about to hit 6,000 changesets.

	Number of files shouldn't be a large issue, but it does take longer  
to look at more stuff.  It might be worthwhile to break your repo into  
multiple project repos and manage them independently.

Dustin Sallings

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