remote file extraction

Brendan Cully brendan at
Wed Jul 2 01:38:56 UTC 2008

On Tuesday, 01 July 2008 at 18:34, Tom Karzes wrote:
> I want to extract the contents of a single file from a remote repository. 
> For a local repository, I can use "hg cat" to achieve the desired result. 
> But for a remote repository (e.g., ssh://me@host//repo), this command can't
> be used.  Instead, I would need to do something like:
> hg clone --noupdate ssh://me@host//repo tmprepo
> hg cat tmprepo/file
> rm -rf tmprepo
> Is there a simpler way to do this, without the need to create a temporary
> local repository?  This seems like it would be a fairly common thing to want
> to do, and if the file is small but the repo is large, having a more direct
> way would also save a lot of bandwidth.  (I'd also prefer a command-line
> solution rather than a web-based solution.)

How about a command-line web-based solution?

wget http://<path/to/repo>/raw-file/<rev>/<file>

admittedly, it doesn't work for SSH repositories.

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