Sharing a working directory, or trusting some settings

Bill Freeman bfreeman at
Fri Jul 11 15:57:43 UTC 2008

I have occasion to want to share a working directory (test environments 
being scarce sometimes).  It's <repository>/.hg/hgrc file has to be 
owned by someone.  So someone else is, by default, untrusted.

I could list the owing user under trusted.users in ~/.hgrc, but I don't 
want my commits to use his username.

It would be convenient, however, to pick up the local repository's 
paths.default, to avoid having to type/copy-paste it for 
incoming/pull/outgoing/push from/to our "main" repository.

There was a thread in late summer 2006 about adding trusted.settings, or 
some such, that sounded like maybe what I want, but I don't see it in 
the man page, and a quick traipse through makes me think that it's 
not there.

Is it hiding under another syntax, or did it get dropped when the web 
stuff was solved another way?

And if it's not there, is there another way to do this?


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