hg fclone issue...

Tim Groeneveld tim at timg.ws
Wed Mar 26 04:26:38 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 26 March 2008 2:19:23 pm Vijayan Jayaraman wrote:
> ==================
> $ hg fclone http://<HOST_NAME/src/FOO/
> abort: Remote forests cannot be cloned because the other repository doesn't
> support the forest extension.
> ==================

How is the HTTP repository set up? does the hgrc file *INSIDE* the repository 
(on the server end) list the extension?

The server must be set up to support forest, as well as the client. If the 
server does not support the extension, there is no way you can clone it with 
forest by just using fclone.

 - Tim G
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