Limit Hg log and equivalent of git-rebase?

Michael Smith michael.smith at
Fri May 2 06:39:05 UTC 2008

pradeep singh rautela wrote:

> Can hg log be made to by default show one page at a time instead of
> showing the full log so quiclky? Or is there already something in Hg
> which i am missing completely?

Unix tools are expected to work together. That way you can use...

ls | less the same way as...

hg log | less

There only has to be one implementation of less, not 50 different ones 
in different tools.

What happens in GIT when you want to filter the output...

git log | grep $SOMETHING

...does git force you to page through the output? I don't know but I 
haven't used it. I suspect git does something special to detect that it 
is running in a pipe. Doing that exposes the application to bugs. It 
adds needless complexity and diverts effort from the core tasks which 
mercurial is designed for.

If you really want this behavior to be the default I suggest you create 
an alias or script for the purpose.
Michael Smith               | 61 386 304 560
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