hg view vs. hg glog

Jens.Wulf at sew-eurodrive.de Jens.Wulf at sew-eurodrive.de
Mon Nov 10 07:26:43 UTC 2008

Just to state my two cents:

I _like_ heads not being pulled to the top of the view. Often I create heads somewhere to test something on an older version, but I don't want them to appear on top of the list...

Best regards,

Kommanditgesellschaft, Sitz: Bruchsal, RG Mannheim HRA 230970
Komplementärin: SEW-EURODRIVE Verwaltungs-GmbH, Sitz: Bruchsal, RG Mannheim HRB 230207

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Geschäftsführer: Johann Soder, Hans Sondermann, Bernd P. Uckrow

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