'activity' extension

Thomas Capricelli orzel at freehackers.org
Fri Oct 31 18:18:02 UTC 2008

On Friday 31 October 2008 17:45:17 Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
> Do you think about extending it to allow for other ways of tracking
> activity, too?

Currently I only display the number of commits. 

1) I expect to have an option to use the number of changed lines instead.
2) Also, i want to have this used on several repositories (with several curves 
on the same graph) to be able to compare activity on them.
3) I would like to limit the curve on a given user, and compare the activity 
of different user for one repository, on the same graph.

I guess, point 2 means using a script which is not an extension.

> Things like interactive code_swarms come to mind for me :)

I dont know this, what is it ? Is this the animated cloud with names moving up 
and down, once widely shown in articles about python ?

Thomas Capricelli <orzel at freehackers.org

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