Rebasing and Branches

Colin Caughie c.caughie at
Thu Aug 13 08:03:32 UTC 2009

> On Aug 11, 6:07 pm, Stephen Rasku <mercur... at> wrote:
> > I just checked in a change to my local repository and then did a
> pull
> > from the main repository.  This put my checkin onto a branch as I
> > wanted.  I then pushed -f to the main repository to preserve my
> > branch.  However, this makes my commit the new tip.
> I find the behavior to make that commit the new tip a bit strange.
> If
> someone pulls my changes and commits his things on top his commits
> go
> onto my branch instead of the 'trunk'. So after each pull-update,
> one
> has to make sure not to commit on the branch of someone else. In the
> worst case one needs to search for the ancestor where the branch
> started and update to that revision before committing.

Isn't this what named branches are for?

I can't imagine a scenario where it's useful to push multiple heads to the master repo without distinguishing them somehow. Named branches give you a great means of distinguishing them; as long as you have at most one head per named branch in the master repo, you know exactly where you are and rebase etc. will do the right thing.


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