[bug report] hg convert -s hg with splicemap+startrev skips file removal

mickey.rose at seznam.cz mickey.rose at seznam.cz
Fri Dec 25 11:18:25 UTC 2009


I attached two simple hg repos to demonstrate the issue. NEW repo starts with comitting the tip of OLD as rev 0 -- that is, just adding manually copied files. Then a file is removed from NEW in rev 1. When I mirrored OLD tip and spliced NEW rev 1 on top of it, that file was not removed in the mirror. In real world OLD was a svn repo, and NEW was a hg mirror of another svn repo (couldn't use -s svn directly).

Omitting the option --config "convert.hg.startrev=1" while using the same splicemap, the shortlived file is removed from the mirror correctly, but then I have a dangling rev in the mirror (converted from NEW rev 0).

Tried with TortoiseHg-0.9.1 (hg-1.4.1) and TortoiseHg-0.8 (hg-1.3.1)

-- mickey
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