Please send in your translations

Peer Sommerlund peer.sommerlund at
Sat Feb 7 18:05:21 UTC 2009

2009/2/7 Martin Geisler <mg at>

> Hello everybody,
> If you are working on a translation of Mercurial, then please remember
> that we have an upcoming release on March 1st:
> There will be a feature freeze on *February 14th* (next Saturday) so I
> suggest that you send in your preliminary translations before that time.
> I think we can accept updates to the translation until at least the 21st
> where a general code freeze will be in effect.
> The translation does not have to be perfect, the Danish one I started
> certainly isn't, but I feel that it is important that we signal to our
> users that we are interested in getting Mercurial translated (and that
> we need their help).
> Information about translating Mercurial can be found here:

Have you considered Launchpad for coordinating a translation effort?
It allows translators to do a few words now and then and it is easy to avoid

(I can do a few Danish translations from time to time)

Mercurial is registered on launchpad but no translation has been set up yet.

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