Some things I don't Understand

Augie Fackler durin42 at
Tue Feb 24 04:34:54 UTC 2009

On Feb 23, 2009, at 6:26 AM, Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:

> Am Montag 23 Februar 2009 03:56:25 schrieb bradford:
>> SVN Questions
>> 5) Is anyone using hgsubversion?
> Yes, and it works like a charm for me.

Glad to hear that. A coworker and I use it literally every day instead  
of the "normal" svn client. The only thing we do is create server-side  
branches and tags using remote URLs now, and branching occurs a lot  
less since we can do local experimentation as needed. As an example, I  
upgraded our version of Django from 0.96 to 1.0 by maintaining a local  
named branch (which keeps its name when using hg svn rebase) and was  
able to keep the branch up to date easily over the course of 2 months  
while we waited for a good time to land the queue of 25 or so patches.  
When it was ready, I just did a push and it worked.

> I have a bridge repository into which I pull the svn changes via
> $ hg svn pull
> Then I clone off that repo to work on a feature.
> When I complete a feature, I push it back to the bridge, update the  
> bridge to
> the correct head and simply call
> $ hg svn push
> hgsubversion then automatically rebases my changes to linearize the  
> history
> and then pushes them to the subversion server.
> It depends on the repo being organized in trunk and branches, though:
> repo/
> 	trunk
> 	branches/
> 	tags/

This is a restriction that I'm hoping to lift soon. There are some bad  
design decisions in my original work, and it's been far harder to  
refactor than I expected, but I think (finally) I'm almost done.


> Best wishes,
> Arne
> -- 
> -- Ein Würfel System: - einfach saubere  
> (Rollenspiel-) Regeln.
> -- Infinite Hands: - singing a part  
> of the 
> history of free software.
> -- My stuff: - stories, songs, poems, programs and  
> stuff :)
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