hg clone from command-line (PC) fails: no such repository (??)

Matt Mackall mpm at selenic.com
Fri Feb 27 15:47:47 UTC 2009

On Fri, 2009-02-27 at 09:43 -0600, david at davidwbrown.name wrote:
> Howdy Mercurial gurus, users and mortals, I have an ANSI C daemon that I am very interested in continuing further development. I have grown tired of using vi and a web based editor and ssh terminals to edit, compile (make), test-in-real-time as my SDLC. Rather, I would like to use my good ol' NB IDE. For some time I have only used my NB for Java but I installed the C/C++ plugin and I decided this is much superior to vi on a ssh terminal.
> This is what I have installed: hg (mercurial) on my public Linux box and on my local PC (both machines: command-line hg). The Linux box has two NICs and the PC is on the Class C part of the network.
> I have done a hg init on my ANSI C daemon source directory on the public Linux box.
> This is what I want to do as a target goal: I would like to perform a hg clone of the Linux hg repository and have my NB mercurial plugin recgonize or pick-up on the local cloned hg repository so I can go-to-town on the source in the local hg repository.
> The local PC has as stated hg and ssh2 command-line executables. Unfortunately, I cannot get anything going from the PC command-line that is satisfactory or even informational enough to give me some clues as to what I am doing wrong except for the error condition included below. When I run hg status on the public Linux box at: /usr/local/c_icap-00708rcl all seems copacetic.
> Any and all suggestions, hints, kinks, gotchas, rants, raves and/or flamings welcomed. Please advise, David.
> *******************************************************************
> C:\hg clone --ssh ssh:// /usr/local/c_icap-060708rcl
> abort: repository /usr/local/c_icap-060708rcl not found!

I'm not sure if you want that space between the IP address and the path
- it's a URL! Also note that paths in ssh URLs are relative to $HOME, so
you'll want two slashes in there.

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