Time-based release schedule

Matt Mackall mpm at selenic.com
Mon Jan 5 17:54:15 UTC 2009

On Mon, 2009-01-05 at 12:19 +0100, Gilles Moris wrote:
> On Thu December 18 2008 00:03:13 Matt Mackall wrote:
> > I've laid out a plan for switching Mercurial to a time-based release
> > schedule on the wiki:
> > 
> > http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/index.cgi/TimeBasedReleasePlan
> > 
> > So folks can expect to see 1.2 in March.
> > 
> We have a date for the major release 1.2, but do we have an idea of the
> content for this time frame ?
> What new features could be in ?
> What extensions could make it into the core or into hgext ?
> Which major bugs/limitations could be fixed ?

No, that's what we lose by going to a time-based release. It's like
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle: we can either know the release date
or the features, but not both.

What goes in is what gets completed and reviewed before the freeze date.

> Personally, I would like
> Issue 883 File/dir renames consume extra space in repository
> to be considered. I have not enough knowledge of HG to do it myself,
> unfortunately.

That one is fairly difficult and not a very high priority for me, which
means I'm personally not likely to tackle it any time soon. Which means
either some other ambitious user tackles it on their own or some company
pays someone like me to work on it.

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