integrity errors encountered

Quenouille Guillaume guillaume.quenouille at
Wed Jan 21 10:34:15 UTC 2009

Thanks for your response.
I tried to clone the repository, but this doesn't resolve the problem. You will find attached to this email the file which raises problem. If you commit it in Mercurial and then do a "hg verify", you will have this integrity error. Is there a way to fix this ?

For the warning, a clone didn't resolved the problem. But after extracting and commiting in again, the warnings disappear.

Guillaume Quenouille
Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (C.N.E.S)
18, Avenue Edouard BELIN
31401 TOULOUSE Cedex 9

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Matt Mackall [mailto:mpm at] 
Envoyé : mardi 20 janvier 2009 19:53
À : Quenouille Guillaume
Cc : mercurial at
Objet : Re: integrity errors encountered

On Tue, 2009-01-20 at 10:28 +0100, Quenouille Guillaume wrote:
> Hello,
> We are using version 1.1.2 since thursday (15/01/2009) , and after 
> running "hg verify" command we have some integrity troubles. These 
> errors did not occur when we used Mercurial 1.0.2 last week. We are 
> using a lot of repositories (~1200), but only 2 of them have a problem 
> with the new version. We are using Mercurial on RedHat 5.

It appears that these errors are simply new tests in verify.

> $ hg verify -v
> repository uses revlog format 1
> checking changesets
> checking manifests
> crosschecking files in changesets and manifests
> checking files
>  prepa/preparation/ex/inter.ref at 0: unpacked size is 265, 269 expected 
> 2374 files, 1 changesets, 2374 total revisions 1 integrity errors 
> encountered! (first damaged changeset appears to be 0)

Revlog indices contain an 'expected size' and this recorded size doesn't agree with what gets unpacked. We can be fairly confident that the data itself is intact as we don't see any checksum or hash errors. 

Not sure how this happened, but it apparently happened on the first checkin as we never rewrite this data. You may be able to repair this repo by cloning.

> $ hg verify -v
> repository uses revlog format 1
> checking changesets
> checking manifests
> crosschecking files in changesets and manifests
> checking files
> warning: orphan revlog 
> De
> v-cpp/libutil/libutl-0.90/doc/_tokenizer_8h-source.html.i'

This warning says we have no manifest referring to this file. Not sure how this happened either. Again, a clone should make this disappear as well.

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