About "-A" option and ".hgignore"
frank.abel.cb at gmail.com
Sat Jul 25 21:45:58 UTC 2009
Hi all,
I have a blank repo(created with "hg init" in a blank directory) with
a working copy of two files, "a.py" and "a.pyc". I need exclude from
my commits all "*.pyc" files, beside, I love "-A" commit option. I
know that this command works "hg commit -A -X '**.pyc'".
My question is: Why I can't use a ".hg/.hgignore" file with the
following lines
syntax: glob
to archive that? Would be nice if I ca avoid retype in each commit the
"-X" parameter. I think that "-A" commit options and override the
".hgignore", cause I read in the man "The patterns in an ignore file
do not apply to files managed by Mercurial."
Any idea of how uses "-A" option and ".hgignore" at the same time?
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