future of HgKit

Mirko Friedenhagen mirko-lists at friedenhagen.de
Fri Oct 2 20:06:44 UTC 2009

Am 29.09.2009 um 22:41 schrieb Andrey Somov:
> Hello Mirko,
> (following the discussion in the Mercurial mailing list) may I ask  
> you how
> do you see the future of HgKit ?
> Since it is released under GPL it cannot be used in any major IDE.

Well, that's a pity and right now I am not very convinced that having  
double licensing with the EPL is even allowed. So the future is  
probably doomed as I do not see how I can develop easily without  
looking at the python source or documentation. I even do not know  
wether the MIT license used by Hudson is compatible with the GPL.

Best Regards

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