revlog data redundancy

chadrik chadrik at
Wed Oct 7 20:08:44 UTC 2009

> Actually if the files are identical, it should be possible for them to
> share the same entry in the revlog.
> It's probably simpler to extend the index and add a flag that says  
> "this
> rev is the same as that one, go there instead".

that was my original idea. well, actually, that is how i assumed  
mercurial worked in the first place.  i think it would be a good  
straightforward compromise, useful in the general sense, but my desire  
to split larger files out into a folder store with the data intact was  
to save time (no deltas needed) as well as space on the checkout side  
via hard links.

i'd like to pose the question to you veterans out there:  specifically  
how would you modify the index to create this "go there instead"  
functionality with the least complications?

would it be too hacky to set the offset to a "redirect identifier"  
like -1, and the length to the other revision to use?


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