Text Based Inteface

Richard Lee richard at webdezign.co.uk
Thu Oct 15 11:43:48 UTC 2009

Hi Mecurial forum,

I'm moving away from svn because, due to it's centralised nature, it's
become slow as molasses for large projects. So I've decided to dvcs so that
I can to many local commits and then send them over to the main repository
at once.

I'm a web developer on a Windows platform and my workflow is as follows:

Work locally whilst making commits
Upload site to server (linux) still making commits

Currently as SVN would run really slow across the whole internet, I wrote a
script to tgzip and rsync to a local working copy and then commit from
there. I use TortoiseSVN to manage my commits. And if I wish to make any
reverts (part files or whole), I'd use TSVN as well, then just upload the
reverted file.

Upon moving to a dvcs like Hg, I would make commits locally when working on
the server. I only have shell access to the server so I'll have to use a
curses based UI. I've seen the Crecord Extension for merges and commits. But
does it do reverts as well? Is there another curses based Hg extension that
does it? I think I saw hg easy, but I think that is out of development.

On a side note, I've also been trying out git and tig, but only for the past
hour. I think I can do commits and reverts on it. But I'm concerned about
how msysgit runs locally on my windows machine. And I don't want to mess
about with hg/git connectors. So what I'm asking is there a tig for
mercurial that can do both commits and reverts?


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