A tale of user-friendliness with "hg merge" and "hg rollback".

Hans Meine meine at informatik.uni-hamburg.de
Fri Oct 16 10:11:19 UTC 2009

On Monday 12 October 2009 23:56:35 Isaac Jurado wrote:
> Just for the record, rollback undoes the last *transaction*, not to be
> confused with the last commit.  This means that it truncates the revlogs
> to their sizes prior to the last history addition command: commit, clone
> and pull.

Nitpick: There's at least "tag" missing in this list.

Unfortunately, "hg tag foo; hg rollback; hg tag foo" does not work as 
expected, because the working dir is not rolled back.. another reason why a 
rollback that reverses working dir changes performed by hg update/tag/... 
would be desirable.


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