creating a branch and subrepos

Adam Downer Adam.Downer at
Thu Aug 26 10:48:47 UTC 2010

>> Commiting code to the parent repo produces change sets on the new
>> branch. I also do a quick search for a class I need to update relating
>> to my new code, this happens to be in one of the sub repos. I do my
>> change and commit again. However the sub repo does not add the change
>> set to the branch I created earlier. It add the change set to the
>> default branch.
>> So basically I will need to repeat the branch creation step in all the
>> sub repos before I commit changes there.

> Well, it only makes sense to branch in the subrepos if the upstream for
> those subrepos will like the branches. But maybe that is not something
> we should try to decide in the command itself.

I'm sorry but I don't understand what you mean by 'like'. Mercurial would not complain about the creation of new heads in this case would it? As these are named branches.

>> I am currently using 1.5.4, has this behaviour been changed in the
>> later releases? I can't see anything obvious in the release notes.
>> Or have I missed something, a hidden recursion option in the branch
>> command?

>No, this has not changed, hence this section in the wiki:
>Please create an account for the wiki and edit it with your suggestions.

That is the section I was originally referring too. I'll add this to the wiki as you suggest.

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